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上課日期:6/23~5/27 授課老師:Mario 大師 1. Adobe Bridge 輸出作品集 2. 淺嚐Keynote 3. 初用Adobe Illustrator CS6 4.素材練習資訊圖表 5.利用PS做出縮時影片

The Amazon smartphone is here: meet the Fire Phone

A $199 phone with 3D cameras and all the Amazon services in the world Amazon doesn't just sell smartphones anymore — it makes one. In news that should surprise exactly no one, Jeff Bezos has officially unveiled Amazon's first cellphone, the Fire Phone. It'll be available July 25th, exclusively on AT&T starting at $199 with a two-year contract, and it's perhaps the most futuristic and wide-ranging device Amazon has ever attempted. The Fire Phone has a 4.7-inch, 720p display, aluminum buttons, a Qualcomm processor, Adreno 330 graphics, and 2GB of RAM. It's 0.35 inches thick, and weighs 5.64 ounces. Bezos talked a lot about the phone's build, from the injection-molded connectors to the chamfered edges. There's a set of stereo speakers that Bezos promised are better than your average phone, and a set of headphones he swears that won't tangle. (That last bit sounds impossible, but we'll have to wait and see.) There's also a 13-megapi...

Learn To Code, Learn To Think

by  Tania Lombrozo June 09, 2014  2:51 PM ET i   i iStockphoto Is learning to code software a valuable skill? Is it one that prepares people to join the workforce of the future? On the one hand, the  popularity of computer science as a college major  and the proliferation of  coding bootcamps  suggest the answer is decidedly "yes." Code.org , a non-profit that encourages education and diversity in computer science, currently invites visitors to its homepage to join over a million others in agreeing with the following statement: "Every student in every school should have the opportunity to learn computer science" On the other hand, some endorse the headline on Kevin Maney's May 29th  article at  Newsweek : "Computer Programming Is A Dying Art," one that will soon be taken over by smarter, more "brain-like" computers. So, perhaps the answer as to whether you should learn to code is "don't bother." In fact, K...


This moment will nap, you will have a dream; But this moment study,you will interpret a dream. 此刻打盹,你將做夢;而此刻學習,你將圓夢。 I leave uncultivated today, was precisely yesterday perishestomorrow which person of the body implored. 我荒廢的今日,正是昨日殞身之人祈求的明日。 Thought is already is late, exactly is the earliest time. 覺得為時已晚的時候,恰恰是最早的時候。 Not matter of the today will drag tomorrow. 勿將今日之事拖到明日。 Time the study pain is temporary, has not learned the pain islife-long. 學習時的苦痛是暫時的,未學到的痛苦是終生的 Studies this matter, lacks the time, but is lacks diligently. 學習這件事,不是缺乏時間,而是缺乏努力。 Perhaps happiness does not arrange the position, but succeeds mustarrange the position. 幸福或許不排名次,但成功必排名次。 The study certainly is not the life complete. But, sincecontinually life part of - studies also is unable to conquer, what butalso can make? 學習並不是人生的全部。但,既然連人生的一部分 - 學習也無法征服,還能做什麼呢? Please enjoy the pain which is unable to avoid. 請享受無法迴避的痛苦。 Only has compared to the others early, diligently diligently, canfeel the successful tas...

Report: Asia-Pacific is home to 1.7 billion mobile subscribers, half of the world’s total [轉載]

The mobile revolution in Asia-Pacific isn’t showing signs of slowing down. The GSM Association  released  a report  today that reveals the region is home to half of the world’s mobile subscribers, and will continue to be one of the world’s fastest growing mobile markets through 2020 and even beyond. According to the report, there were 1.7 billion unique mobile subscribers in the Asia-Pacific region as of the end of 2013, out of a total global subscriber base of 3.4 billion. China, India, Japan and Indonesia had the largest number of subscribers, ranked according to their sizes. In a nod to the diverse nature of the region though, subscriber penetration was above 90 percent of the population in markets including Japan, but below 15 percent in countries such as Myanmar. In China alone, there were 630 million unique mobile subscribers at the end of 2013 — that’s about 46 percent of the country’s population. With the habit of using more than one SIM c...

一定要知道的YouTube 下載方法大放送,有兩種喔 !!! [轉載]

(編按:本篇文章獲得極大的迴響,但有些方法已經沒用所以又寫了本篇文章,希望對大家有幫助喔!原始的文章放在最下面 - ) 觀看 Youtube 影片最怕的是什麼呢?我想身在台灣寶島的各位應該都有上圖的經驗:影片讀取進度完全不會前進啊!!!!!!!!!! 是的,在中華電信神秘的頻寬設定下,即使你使用了既難申請、每個月又要付上不少錢的光世代 100M,Youtube 影片依然是想斷就斷,你根本拿他沒辦法。這時候該怎麼辦呢?當然有些設定可以幫你解決 Youtube 影片讀取速度的問題,但仍無法百分百解決。 如果遇到想要帶出門、或是準備好要給老師、給老闆、給客戶看的影片,偏偏就是一直卡在讀取,那不是太糗了嗎?今天要教大家如何直接把 Youtube 影片下載下來存到電腦裡,以後就再也不需要等待讀取囉! 今天教學大放送,電腦、iPhone、Android 通通有份,如果你懶得看整篇,請直接找到你需要的平台觀看教學囉! 電腦下載,Windows、Mac OSX 通吃: 如果下載 Youtube 影片還要另外開程式,那豈不是太麻煩了嗎?這裡要使用的是超好用的瀏覽器外掛「FastestTube」,可以在這裡「 http://kwizzu.com 」下載。從上圖可以看到支援的所有瀏覽器,連萬惡的 IE 都支援喔!以下分別針對常用的 Safari、Chrome、FireFox 教大家安裝,至於 IE 嘛⋯⋯這種不安全的瀏覽器還是少碰為妙囉!首先是 Safari! 註:並不需要選擇瀏覽器類型,直接點擊上圖箭頭指的「Install!」即會自動選擇下載 Safari 安裝最簡單,只要在右上角的下載列表中雙點擊下載好的插件,再點擊「安裝」即可。 Chrome 稍微麻煩一些,首先你必須依照上圖的順序打開「擴充功能」頁面,這時 Chrome 就會出現下圖的畫面。 接著再打開剛剛下載好外掛所存放的資料夾,再將下載好的外掛拖曳進 Chrome 的視窗中(任何空白位置皆可),最後在點擊「新增」即可。 FireFox 安裝也非常簡單,只要點擊「Install!」就會出現上面兩個圖案,依序按下「允許」與「立刻安裝」就完成囉! 全 部安裝完之後就要開始下載囉!這時候打開任何一個 Youtube 影片,你就會發現在影片下方標題位置的附近出...